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Rusty Carter Scholarship Fund for CFCC, 2020


As 2020 comes to a close, please consider donating to the Rusty Carter Scholarship Fund at Cape Fear Community College.

The Rusty Carter Scholarship Fund was established by Atlantic employees and senior managers in Rusty’s name and continues to be funded by us as a group. We are proud to support hard-working students as they pursue higher education to create better opportunities for themselves, their families, and our community.

I hope to finish my degree in biology and apply to dental school.  I have dreamed of being a dentist for several years and I am working hard to make this a reality. Again, it is an honor to be recommended for your scholarship. I am grateful and know that your financial support will help put me closer to achieving my goals.

– Kaleb Weeks

My dream is to move my career from repairing electronics to regenerative medicine, where the manufacturing of living tissue will limit and eventually eliminate the necessity for organ donation. Your generous donation will allow me to continue fulfilling a leadership role in my community and will eventually allow me to help save lives.

– Joseph Sharp


Please consider donating to the Rusty Carter Scholarship Fund at Cape Fear Community College.  You can make a difference!

This year, all donations must be made online.  **In the comments section under Gift Designation, add Atlantic Packaging Scholarship**

Donations are due by December 29th.
