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Atlantic Supplier Sustainability Summit 2021

In May 2021, Atlantic hosted its inaugural Supplier Sustainability Summit.  This event was created to bring our manufacturing and supply partners together to discuss the challenges and opportunities for sustainability in the packaging supply chain.

This meeting was a chance to talk about the global issue of plastic pollution, a growing problem that’s only getting worse and worse every year.

“We put over 9 million tons of plastic in the oceans every year,  And at the rate we are going, that number will triple by the year 2040.”

But we can start asking the right questions and taking steps to reverse this issue.  As members of the packaging supply chain, we can truly make a difference.

And we., the packaging supply chain, have the greatest opportunity to have the greatest impact.

During the Summit, we had a chance to share our passion for this issue and talk about what we’re doing as a company to start moving in the right direction (see our Sustainability Report for details).  We also brought in guest speakers to address different areas of impact, including planning and strategy, culture and leadership, solar energy, circular packaging, and, arguably most importantly, collaboration.

Collaboration was the central theme of this Summit. Our ability to affect change on the scale that will actually make a difference will take all of us working and moving together.  We are so grateful for all the suppliers who took part in this Summit.  It was incredibly encouraging to have the participation from so many companies who are ready to start making a change.

Learn more about Atlantic’s Sustainability Initiatives here.
